Picture of Fee Brown

Fee Brown

Communications Manager

When is a fundraiser not a fundraiser?

Spoiler: when they’re people’s stories.

We’re so grateful when people choose us for their fundraiser. Without fail, every. single. time. it’s the story behind each fundraiser that gets us right in the heart. So yes, they’re more than just simple fundraisers. They’re people’s stories.

Take Harry for example. He does it because “Penumbra are not just my employer, they gave me an opportunity”. And then there’s Daniel. He ran the Edinburgh marathon because “they helped my girlfriend’s mother in her road to recovery with alcohol related brain damage” and he loves the work we do in tackling unhelpful preconceptions people living with ARBD face. 

Nick does it because “I am a survivor”.

It’s not lost on us the effort people go to either. Ryan is someone we supported and he says, “for me being able to do a wash and hoover is a luxury as it means I am having one of those rare good days”. 

And Eve simply says, “without Penumbra I wouldn’t be where I am today”.

Without Penumbra I wouldn’t be where I am today

Our supporters are incredible and we just want to say a massive thanks and shout out to each and every one of you for making our community so special.

If any of this resonates with you then maybe you fancy joining our incredible community? We still have lots of FUNdraising events happening this year, but we’re especially looking to fill our five places for the Clyde zipline taking place in September. 

Do you fancy it?

(we guarantee you a fashion forward Penumbra tee and a warm fuzzy feeling)

To zipline the Clyde, sign up here: penumbra.org.uk/events

If you are completing a self-referral, complete all of section A and then click next to submit the form. 

If you are referring someone for support, please complete sections A and B.

Welcome to our online self-referral form. Please complete as much of this form as possible. Once we receive your form, we aim to respond within 72 hours. Thank you.

Please complete Section A (details of the person you are referring) and Section B (your own details as the referrer)

Once we have your form, our team will aim to contact the person you’re referring within 72 hours. Thank you.

How can we help you?

Thank you for considering leaving a gift in your Will.

To receive further information about the process and to find out how your gift could be used, please complete and return the form below. Thank you.

Please give us as much information as you can. Once we have your form, our team will aim to contact you within 72 hours. Thank you.

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We will do the right thing. Standing up for people, their rights, wellbeing and recovery


We listen and respond with hope, kindness and respect.


We explore, reflect, learn and adapt to create solutions that are best for people’s wellbeing.


We will work with those who share our vision and values.