
Age group
Area (local authority)

Our Edinburgh Self-Harm Support Service can offer you compassionate support and a safe space if you’re experiencing self-harm. The service is for people aged 16 and over in Edinburgh.

How does it work?

The project offers a flexible service that generally consists of one weekly session lasting an hour. The service offers:

  • one-to-one support
  • group workshops related to mental health and wellbeing
  • parent/carer support
  • a skin camouflage service
  • training and awareness raising sessions related to self-harm


This service allows you to:

  • be listened to and not judged
  • be treated with respect
  • be given the time and space to discuss issues at your own pace
  • receive support to explore skill development
  • explore tools to support you to self-manage


Our one-to-one support is there for people living with self-harm and, or experiencing thoughts of suicide. Some of our team are employed in peer support roles which means we may have some understanding of what you might be experiencing. Our approach is to give you a safe and compassionate space to discuss issues at your own pace. We’ll support you to explore ways of managing the self-harm in a way that works for you.

What’s the skin camouflage service?

Available for people living with scarring, as a result of self-harm, that effects their appearance and confidence. There are a range of products which may help to reduce the appearance of scarring. These products are topical and fully removable. Our service is here to help people gain self-confidence and independence. Your GP will be recommended the camouflage creams on prescription.

For more information please email:

How to access self-harm support

I’m the person self-harming:

If you’d like to access support for yourself, please send us a completed referral form. This is called self-referral. Please let us know if you need any support in completing the form. If you’d like more information or have a question, please contact us by email or phone.

Download a referral form

I’m a parent or carer:

If you’re a parent, carer or family member and you’d like to now how to support someone living with self-harm, please contact us to find out about the support we can offer you.

I’m a professional referrer:

If you’re referring someone for support, please send us the completed referral form and risk assessment.

Download a referral form

Download a risk assessment

We also offer training for professionals. We focus on understanding what self-harm is, tackling self-harm myths, understanding who self harms and why, provide guidance on how best to support someone who uses self-harm, and tools and techniques that may be helpful in support. You can contact us for more information.

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Our story

We are Penumbra Mental Health, a pioneering charity providing dedicated services for people experiencing mild to serious and enduring mental ill health.

We support people on their journey to better mental health, by working with each person to find their own way forward.

The power of people’s lived experience enables us to provide pioneering services which transform lives.

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Welcome to our online self-referral form. Please complete as much of this form as possible. Once we receive your form, we aim to respond within 72 hours. Thank you.

Please complete Section A (details of the person you are referring) and Section B (your own details as the referrer)

Once we have your form, our team will aim to contact the person you’re referring within 72 hours. Thank you.

How can we help you?

Thank you for considering leaving a gift in your Will.

To receive further information about the process and to find out how your gift could be used, please complete and return the form below. Thank you.

Please give us as much information as you can. Once we have your form, our team will aim to contact you within 72 hours. Thank you.

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We will do the right thing. Standing up for people, their rights, wellbeing and recovery


We listen and respond with hope, kindness and respect.


We explore, reflect, learn and adapt to create solutions that are best for people’s wellbeing.


We will work with those who share our vision and values.