Penumbra's Head Office is moving. Our address from 16 December 2024 will be: Penumbra, 3rd Floor, Orchard Brae House, 30 Queensferry Road, Edinburgh, EH4 2HS. Our telephone number 0131 475 2380 will be moving with us and we may experience some downtime during the move. If you have problems contacting us, please use our temporary number 0131 380 2669.

Nicole’s journey

I’ve embraced the love and support of my family, friends, and the mental health services, which has kept me going forward in my journey of recovery.

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Torquil Fergusson Lanarkshire Sls Your Journeys

Torquil’s story

Living well with mental ill health As a Recovery Worker in the community, every day is usually quite unique but it revolves around visiting people
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Fiona Gray And Daughter Your Journeys

Francesca’s story

How my mum’s recovery story inspired my own journey We all know mums are superheroes, but mine is such a special woman. She saves lives,
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Fiona Semple Your Journeys

Fiona’s reflections of a gruelling 12 months

Fiona and her reflections on a gruelling lockdown I don’t think that my reflections on the past year will be unique and I’m sure they
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Kerr Mounie Mailchimp Size Your Journeys

Kerr’s story

Kerr’s story The reason I started drawing was probably a lot to do with the death of my son two years ago. I also live
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Elizabeth Boyall RP Twitter Your Journeys

Elizabeth’s story

Elizabeth’s story Daily time spent outdoors is absolutely vital in ensuring that my mental wellbeing remains as well as possible. This has never been more
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Normas Your Journeys

Norma’s story

Norma’s story My covid story is one of isolation, but also of hope. Before the pandemic, I spent a lot of time with my grandchildren
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Marilyn Twitter Your Journeys

Peter’s story

Peter’s story I always like a laugh. I’m a happy go lucky guy. When I had my knee replacement operation just before lockdown, I remember
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Home Twitter Your Journeys

Kim’s story

Kim’s story I started off on the streets where I was begging for money and food after being thrown out of my house I had
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Light Grant's Poem Your Journeys

Broken, a poem by Grant Pearson

Broken, a poem by Grant Pearson When I am broken and in need I feel the ground is swallowing me My hands are hanging so
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We will do the right thing. Standing up for people, their rights, wellbeing and recovery


We listen and respond with hope, kindness and respect.


We explore, reflect, learn and adapt to create solutions that are best for people’s wellbeing.


We will work with those who share our vision and values.