Penumbra's Head Office is moving. Our address from 16 December 2024 will be: Penumbra, 3rd Floor, Orchard Brae House, 30 Queensferry Road, Edinburgh, EH4 2HS. Our telephone number 0131 475 2380 will be moving with us and we may experience some downtime during the move. If you have problems contacting us, please use our temporary number 0131 380 2669.

Nicole’s journey

I’ve embraced the love and support of my family, friends, and the mental health services, which has kept me going forward in my journey of recovery.

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  • Your Journeys
Camillus Your Journeys

Camillus’s story

Camillus’s story I do believe that recovery is real. From personal experience, with the help of family and friends and the input from various services,
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Natalie Insta Your Journeys

Natalie’s story

Natalie’s story We know there’s a relationship between self-harm and our emotions. Often when we experience emotional distress it is very unpleasant and we don’t
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Image shows a headshot of Dave infront of the harbour at Stornoway Your Journeys

Dave’s story

Dave’s story Staying connected to others is always a key element in keeping well mentally and emotionally. Now that coronavirus has restricted our options to
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Michaela R Pic Your Journeys

Michaela’s story

Michaela’s story I was really young when my parents found out I was diagnosed with epilepsy; I was about 18 months old. I have had
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Dan Positive Vibes Your Journeys

Dan’s blog: staying connected

Staying connected during lockdown ith the temporary cessation of face-to-face support, my colleagues and I are working from home for the time being. We’re using
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Luellen Twitter Your Journeys

Luellen’s story

Luellen’s story I have lived with mental ill health most of my life and at times l have really struggled. Back in 2017 my whole
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Community Fund Fundraising

Lottery success for Penumbra’s self-harm project in Fife

Lottery success for Penumbra’s self-harm project in Fife Leading mental health charity, Penumbra, is pleased to announce its success in the latest round of awards
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Picture For Recovery Article (1) Your Journeys

Craig’s story

Craig’s story My name is Craig and I’ve suffered from Mental Health difficulties for 20 years. I  had a limb removed and extensive surgery some
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Hope Your Journeys

Angus’s story

Angus’s story I would like to share a little bit about my time with Penumbra. It all started with me being a “shut in”, I would
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We will do the right thing. Standing up for people, their rights, wellbeing and recovery


We listen and respond with hope, kindness and respect.


We explore, reflect, learn and adapt to create solutions that are best for people’s wellbeing.


We will work with those who share our vision and values.