Midlothian Mental Health and Resilience Service
The Mental Health and Resilience Service (or MHARS for short) is a compassionate wellbeing support service covering Midlothian. It’s designed to offer rapid practical and emotional support to people aged
... continue reading.Self-Harm Network
Facebook Phone 0131 229 6262 Email LocalityTeam.Edinburgh@penumbra.org.uk Referal route Self-referral or third party Our Edinburgh Self-Harm Support Service can offer you practical and emotional support if you’re experiencing self-harm. We offer a safe, non-judgemental space where you can explore your self-harming behaviours, and we work with you to manage and identify healthy coping strategies. We can support your loved ones and carers too. Our team will work with you using recovery tools to discover what matters to you, to develop skills and strategies to help you maintain good wellbeing, and to connect into meaningful community resources. Many of our team members have lived experience of recovery in mental health and bring that insight to support you on your journey.
... continue reading.Responding to change: a guide for young people
No two people are the same, we all respond to change differently. This guide is designed to help you explore and manage how you’re feeling during periods of change. It
... continue reading.ARBD Self-Management Wellbeing Toolkit
Welcome to Penumbra’s self-management toolkit for people with Alcohol Related Brain Damage (ARBD). If you are reading this, then hopefully you have found the professional and personal help you need
... continue reading.Distress Brief Intervention
Facebook Phone 111 Email Referal route NHS24 Penumbra is a partner in Distress Brief Intervention. This service works through NHS24 where callers experiencing distressing feelings can be referred to support from mental health support practitioners. NHS24 call handlers assess callers on an individual basis and can choose to refer people to organisations like Penumbra for support. Contact with the caller is usually made within 24 hours of receiving the referral from NHS24.
... continue reading.Future Pathways
Facebook Phone 0808 164 2005) Email registration@future-pathways.co.uk Referal route Self-referral Penumbra is a partner in Future Pathways which has been set up to offer person centred support for people who have experienced in-care abuse. If you would like to self-refer you can do this through the freephone number or email, and ou can find out more about Future Pathways on the website: www.future-pathways.co.uk
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