Fiona Brown
Communications Officer
Praise for building meaningful lives at Sighthill
Originally a sheltered housing complex, a building in the Calders has been transformed by the City of Edinburgh Council to provide high-quality places to stay. The Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership is now funding ongoing care and support for tenants at the St Stephen’s service as they recover in a homely setting.
To celebrate a year since completion and the service becoming fully functional, members of the Partnership met with tenants and those who have been working on the project to congratulate them.
Over the last five years, Edinburgh’s Health and Social Care Partnership has enhanced and developed services that support people in their own homes and within shared living resources in the community.
St Stephen’s is one of many examples where we partner and share our expertise as the largest employer of mental health Peer Workers in Scotland.
Day-to-day access to health and social care support services is provided at St Stephen’s, working with Carr Gomm, NHS Lothian, Penumbra and Volunteer Edinburgh to support tenants to develop recovery and community connections which, for some people, will result in moving on to a long-term home in the community.
As part of the mental health services provided by the Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership, St Stephen’s also provides access to community mental health services and a range of 24/7 supported community placements to help people make the transition to independent living.