Your journey. Your way.

We are Penumbra Mental Health, a pioneering charity providing dedicated services for people with mild to serious, enduring mental ill health.

Hello and welcome

We are Penumbra Mental Health, a pioneering charity providing dedicated services for people with mild to serious, enduring mental ill health.

From being there for people in crisis to suicide prevention, supported living to self-harm management and peer support. We are with those we support every step of their journey to a better place.

People’s experiences are at the centre of everything that we do. We champion peer workers; they know that recovery is possible, because they’ve been there too.

Of course, everyone’s journey is different, so we work with people to identify, believe in, and reach their goals, whatever they may be.

Often, it’s about hope, but we know that’s not always easy for people to hold on to. And so, when times are tough, we hold it for them, keeping it safe – just until the time is right.

You see, Penumbra has always been about people; listening and learning, challenging, encouraging and enabling . 

It’s why we’re trusted to provide services across Scotland, supporting thousands of adults and young people every month, because when people need us, we’re there.

Join our journey by signing up for our Penumbra newsletter

Journeys Lisa

What we believe at Penumbra

We Believe Numbers 01
You are your own expert
We Believe Numbers 02
We know recovery is possible because we’ve been there
We Believe Numbers 03
Those with lived experience will always make the difference
We Believe Numbers 04
Everyone should have hope, even if we need to hold it for a while

Watch our powerful, Penumbra stories

Introducing four people who have been on their own journey with Penumbra Mental Health. Each has an extraordinary story.

Thumbnail Nicole
Play Video about Thumbnail Nicole
Thumbnail Darren
Play Video about Thumbnail Darren
Thumbnail Lisa
Play Video about Thumbnail Lisa
Thumbnail Lindsay
Play Video about Thumbnail Lindsay
Lindsay Pic 1

This is the first job where I've been honest about my mental health.

What happened next?

Two years ago, we partnered with Lisa and Nicole who told us their journey with Penumbra. But what happened next?

Welcome to our online self-referral form. Please complete as much of this form as possible. Once we receive your form, we aim to respond within 72 hours. Thank you.

Please complete Section A (details of the person you are referring) and Section B (your own details as the referrer)

Once we have your form, our team will aim to contact the person you’re referring within 72 hours. Thank you.

How can we help you?

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To receive further information about the process and to find out how your gift could be used, please complete and return the form below. Thank you.

Please give us as much information as you can. Once we have your form, our team will aim to contact you within 72 hours. Thank you.

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We will do the right thing. Standing up for people, their rights, wellbeing and recovery


We listen and respond with hope, kindness and respect.


We explore, reflect, learn and adapt to create solutions that are best for people’s wellbeing.


We will work with those who share our vision and values.