Gender Pay Gap
Gender Pay Gap Report 2023
The Gender Pay Gap Regulations came into force in April 2017. The regulations mean that all employers with 250 or more employees are required to report their gender pay gap on an annual basis. The gender pay gap is defined as the difference between male and female average earnings in the time period, regardless of their role or seniority in the organisation.
One of Penumbra’s key strategic aims is to ensure a highly valued, skilled and involved workforce and Penumbra are committed to equality, fairness and openness in relation to gender pay.
Penumbra’s workforce is representative of the care sector as a whole and we have more female employees (75%) than male employees (25%). All employees are paid a salary in line with our pay scales, except the Directorate, whose pay is set by the Board of Charity Trustees. All employees are paid the same rate for the role regardless of their gender.
Percentage difference between male and female employees:
Mean | Median | |
Hourly Pay | 1.8% | 0.0% |
Thank you payment | 7.6% | 0.00% |
The table above shows our mean (average) and median gender pay gap based on hourly rates of pay as at 5 April 2023.
Penumbra does not normally pay bonuses, however in December 2022 Penumbra paid all employees a £400 a thankyou payment.
Penumbra’s 1.8% gap is significantly lower than the ONS estimated national average which in 2022 was of 8.3% for all full time employees and and -2.8% for part time employees.
We have identified some of the factors that account for the difference in the rate of pay that is used in the calculation and therefore contribute to this gap. These are as follows:
- More females than males participate in salary sacrifice schemes for childcare vouchers and pension contributions.
- More females than males have part time roles. This would have impacted on the ’Thank-you’ payment Penumbra paid to all staff.
Pay quartiles
Lower Quartile | Lower Middle Quartile | Upper Middle Quartile | Upper Quartile | |
Male | 30% | 25% | 22% | 26% |
Female | 70% | 75% | 78% | 74% |
The above table shows the distribution of males and females across four equally sized quartiles. As previously mentioned, there are more females than males employed in the social care sector, but our pay distribution demonstrates a level of consistency of genders across all pay bands in the organisation. We would anticipate, given 25% of our workforce are male, that this percentage would be replicated across the quartiles.
Moving Forward
Penumbra is committed to gender pay gap equality and we have a -0.0% difference in median pay and 1.82% in mean pay, which is well below the national average. We will continue to promote gender pay equality, by reviewing and promoting our Family Leave policies to all employees.
Our Statement
We are delighted to see that our mean and median figures are very small and are well below the national average. We offer our employees a wide range of flexible working options to enable them to manage their work/life balance and appoint people to roles based on merit and regardless of age, race, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, disability or religion and belief. We pay all our staff above Scottish Living Wage and embrace all aspects of Fair Work practice. We will continue to undertake enabling actions in order to continue to promote gender pay equality.
I confirm that Penumbra is committed to gender pay equality and that our gender pay gap figures have been calculated in line with mandatory requirements.
Joanne Mayne, Director of Corporate Services, February 2024.