Penumbra's Head Office is moving. Our address from 16 December 2024 will be: Penumbra, 3rd Floor, Orchard Brae House, 30 Queensferry Road, Edinburgh, EH4 2HS. Our telephone number 0131 475 2380 will be moving with us and we may experience some downtime during the move. If you have problems contacting us, please use our temporary number 0131 380 2669.

Colin’s peer journey

image shows colin smiling to camera wearing his penumbra tee shirt and stanfing beside a penumbra banner

Colin’s peer journey I joined Penumbra Mental Health in April 2022, after working in retail for over thirty years. Changing jobs was going to be a massive step for me,

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Dani’s story

Image showing Dani smiling to the camera

Dani’s story I was first diagnosed with depression when I was 13. This stemmed from childhood trauma and for the last 20 years, more mental health issues have reared their

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Cha’s duathlon challenge

Image shows Cha and Callum smiling to camera in their running gear with their medals

Cha’s dynamite duathlon I completed a duathlon this month and here’s how it went.  It was tough. It was incredible fun and I am so chuffed with myself.  I have

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Challenging myths around self-harm

image shows frankee smiling to camera wearing a black jumper and fabulous blue hair

Challenging myths around self-harm After working in Penumbra’s Self-Harm Service and having my own experiences, or knowing others who share this experience, there are a lot of myths and misconceptions

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Heather’s Story

Image showing Heather with her Dog

Heather’s story I began my Penumbra journey five years ago as a HR Assistant, it is the best place I have ever worked, and it has flew by. In this

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Catherine’s story

Image shows catherine smiling to camera enjoying lunch

Catherine’s trip to Glasgow As most of my support workers know as well as Colin (Senior Service Manager with Penumbra)  I have terminal cancer and over the past year I

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Ronan’s blog

Photo showing the team of staff and volunteers gathered at the 15th anniversary event for the Edinburgh Crisis Centre.

Marking 15 years of the Edinburgh Crisis Centre On Monday 5th December I eagerly made my way to the Edinburgh Crisis Centre’s 15th Anniversary event, hosted in the Ukrainian Community

... continue reading.

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If you are referring someone for support, please complete sections A and B.

Welcome to our online self-referral form. Please complete as much of this form as possible. Once we receive your form, we aim to respond within 72 hours. Thank you.

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We will do the right thing. Standing up for people, their rights, wellbeing and recovery


We listen and respond with hope, kindness and respect.


We explore, reflect, learn and adapt to create solutions that are best for people’s wellbeing.


We will work with those who share our vision and values.