Amy's Sponsored Walk

On Sunday 21st May, me, a few of my colleagues and some of the fab people we support embarked on an 8-mile sponsored walk.

I organised this walk to raise funds for the weekly groups I run – these groups consist of physical and social activities and are tremendously vital for our folk’s wellbeing. Not only that, but they are also a safe space to have fun, unwind and importantly, provide emotional support if need be.

8 miles became 10, as we trekked from the picturesque Leith Shore, to the roaring Cramond Falls and finally, to Lauriston-Farm where we enjoyed a well-earned meal. Smiling and laughing, we reminisced over the day’s events, proud of our achievements. We SMASHED IT!

The sponsored walk has helped me to develop mental toughness, it’s shown me I can commit to something and complete a goal.

Image shows two of our fab fundraiser folks smiling to the camera.
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Here is just some of the feedback from the fab people who took part in our sponsored walk:

“Exercise is good for the mind – I enjoyed the sponsored walk and it encouraged me to get out.” – Mark F

“The groups have really benefited me, it’s nice to know I’m not alone and there are other people out there who can relate to my experiences. The sponsored walk gave me a feeling of happiness and was something positive.” – Marj

“The gym group has been helpful as I find it difficult to get to the gym on my own. Having people to meet up with gives me the incentive to get there and they are encouraging to be with.” – Mark P

“The sponsored walk has helped me to develop mental toughness, it’s shown me I can commit to something and complete a goal. I enjoyed speaking to new and old faces and learning more about Penumbra – I’m pleased to know the funds raised will help Penumbra to continue their support.

I had felt anxious prior to the walk but I put my turtle earrings in and they gave me motivation. As we approached the waterfall and I saw everyone’s smiling faces I recalled a favourite quote of mine:

“Keep your little turtle head out and keep making your little turtle steps.” So, I decided that’s what I was going to do, I was going to take my little turtle steps.” – Ebony

Huge thanks to Amy for organising the sponsored walk and for raising over £500! 

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We listen and respond with hope, kindness and respect.


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