Picture of Cha Harris

Cha Harris

Peer Practitioner

Cha's dynamite duathlon

I completed a duathlon this month and here’s how it went.  It was tough. It was incredible fun and I am so chuffed with myself.  I have never claimed to be the fastest or the fittest person but I am just made up with this. 

I had set myself the goal of completing my first big event in 3hrs.  I did it in 2hr 45min, taking 15 mins off my time. The first 5k went well and was on course to personal best that run and fell just shy but was still a few mins ahead of the target, the 25k was tough cycling on a slow uphill gradient for a big section then the last 5k my muscles were burning but I’m really glad I practiced bric sessions so my legs were used to the exhaustion the last 2k was the big push to the finish and the realisation I had beat my goal! 

I’ve got to say I had the fear at one point when my legs were so tired that I wouldn’t do it but I just kept pushing through and quite possibly shed a little tear once I passed the finish line.  Gossford house in Edinburgh was a such pretty location for the 5ks to take place with an even prettier coastal route for the cycle (although cycling into the coastal wind for 90% of the cycle section was tough) at one point I thought I was going backwards! LOL.

I let go of the anxiety and I just had so much fun

Image shows Cha running through a wooded area
Image shows Cha on her bike at the duathlon

I will definitely sign up to more events now as it’s really helped my confidence in realising the athletic community is so supportive and these events are open to people of all ages and abilities and I am my only competition. I let go of the anxiety and I just had so much fun, Callum ran/cycled with me which was super good of him as he is a pro at these things so he really slowed down and encouraged me for my own goal.  I said once I did this I would know if I was ready to take on a bigger challenge so I am, my next goal is a half marathon!

But for now I need an ice bath, some yoga and several naps!  

Thanks, Cha, for sharing your duathlon diaries and congrats on your personal best. A fantastic achievement!

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